Monday, June 15, 2009

Gardens of Gracerock update

The tomatoes don't have cages yet
The trumpet vine is pushing up thru the newspaper
The devil weed (my name) is very persistent.

The tomatoes plants are huge - we almost have enough to make our own Heitz (all 57 varieties).
The pumpkins are huge - Linus will want to spend Halloween in our garden.
The string beans have climbed to the top of their fence and are looking for more.
The green peppers have lots of buds
For being in only midday sun, the sunflowers are waist high.
AND - no mammals have been spotted within the restricted area

So far, so good.

The boss decides to visit

It's late in the day, your "to do" list for the day is almost complete. And BAM, the boss decides to stop in for a visit. And he has a very "in your face" approach to things. The only thing you can do is wait it out. The clock means nothing to him - he works on his own time.

So, first, a quick nap

And then a bath

OK, I think we're finished here. Anyone have any tuna left over from lunch?