Friday, September 24, 2010

A prisoner in our own home

It's the stinkbugs. They are everywhere - all over the media, on peoples minds and covering the side of my garage.
They sneak in thru the air conditioning, so we covered it with plastic and taped it up. They SOMEHOW get between the closed screen and closed window, so we keep the windows closed at night and the ceiling fan running. Even though it is 60 degrees out, we're steaming inside. Sharon figured out that it we leave one of the sliding glass doors in living room closed they don't congregate on the screen as much - so we can actually come and go without filling the kitchen with the little beasts. When I leave the office they dive bomb me like a barn swallow attacking a cat. Running doesn't work. Hiding doesn't work.

The solution? Better living thru chemistry! The nuclear option is my only option. As bad as it sounds, I want to be a Stinkbug Superfund site. I want them to fall out of the sky. Friends and colleagues describe home remedies such as 30% Dawn (no other brand!) dish soap mixed with ground pomegranate and sprayed under a harvest moon (which I can still see, but only for a few more minutes) will do the trick. They read it on the internet so it must be true. Me? I'm going the Monsanto method. So what if I grow another ear. After years of running the chainsaw, it may come in handy. Wish me luck!

Friday, September 17, 2010

Seat time

Friday afternoon. Somehow more satisfying than a beer. Cutting a path along the west side of pasture - eight feet at a time. Ahhhhh

Sunday, September 12, 2010

Life is a photo op

Today it is the raindrops on the honeysuckle, yesterday it was the
cool spider web. A photo per day is the assignment - which really
means minimum of 20.

It's all good!

Obie shows the way

It has been so long that I've forgotten how. "How to what?" you ask. How to spend a rainy Sunday afternoon. It feels like it has been months and months since we've had a dreary gray day. So long that I've forgotten the correct procedure. Fortunately, I have Obie. Good dog.