Saturday, July 28, 2012

We NEED a bottle bill!

OK, so I'm a socialist - I want a government program to fix the problem. "What problem?" you ask? A public trash can where 50% of contents are recyclable. Why are there so many recyclable items in the trash can? Because we, as a community, have no incentive to do otherwise. The solution? Five cents per can or bottle. Not only will the landfill fill at a slower pace, but folks will walk the streets and pick up the bottles and cans that others have "misplaced". Costly to implement? Yes. But less costly than not implementing.

Sunday, July 15, 2012

Tools, glorious tools

Honestly, how many 5/8" wrenches do I need? Well, I have five in my main tool box, plus one in my telecom tool bag and two more in different tool sets - the kind that have the nice organized case. So I suppose the answer is that I need eight. The thing is that, even though I've made a real effort in lightening the load of stuff, I have a very difficult time parting with the duplicates, knowing full well that any day I could lose seven and really NEED that eighth wrench.

Of course, I could pass the spares along to Chris or Alex - and they are welcome to have them. But I've become a believer in the sets with matching boxes - complete with a clear home for each piece.

So, until i find a better plan, I'll keep one of each size in my main tool tray and the spares in my spare box. And hope that, when I finally retire, I'll use them all in my VW hovercraft dune buggy project. Except...I'll need metric.