Friday, January 25, 2013

A Friday afternoon in January

It's almost five o'clock, it has been snowing since lunch and I've had an orange cat camped on my desk all afternoon. Not a lot of work done, but it ranks high on the serenity scale. Happy Friday!

Tuesday, January 1, 2013

I wonder what was under their tree

Dear Inconsiderado,
I'm glad you received a new television for Christmas. Really, I am. But please don't foist your old television on society as it is just wrong.  But don't worry - I've picked it up and will cover the $1.52 that it will cost to recycle it properly. Also, if you must get rid of your dead deer, please don't leave it in a plastic trash bag.  Instead, take it out of the bag and move it well away from the road for the scavengers to find.  I've taken care of this as well.  Please don't do this again.  Thank you.