Sunday, April 5, 2009

The Gardens of Gracerock - a start

I've finally joined the family. My parents have had a garden since the very beginning of my childhood memories. My sisters have green blood running thru their veins. Jennifer left the world of lawyerdom to become a gardener and Sharon secretly removes invasive weeds from other peoples' landscaping. My darling wife has embraced the flower garden concept very successfully, adding wonderful colors with lots of blue and yellow for me.

But we live in the woods. We see neither sunrise nor sunset and our view of the night sky is very limited. Sharon can select flowers that will do just fine in the shade; not likely with red tomatoes. We have one nice patch of sunshine - but in my typical luck, it is situated under a very mature and thriving black walnut tree. God gave the walnut the ability chemically to fend off the competition - including the vegetables that we like. Our only choice was to make more sky.

So, between me and the backhoe, we toppled two small locust (that will make fine posts), one old apple and one very nice tulip poplar. I may leave the poplar in log lengths and see if Downstream Dave and his magic sawmill will slab them for me. The remainder will keep us warm next winter. Another couple of days to rake out the roots and install the anti-bambi netting and it'll be ready to go. I can taste the string beans already!

1 comment:

  1. Mike, how 'bout an update? I know the gracerock gardens are progressing and beautiful, and your loyal fans would surely like some photos!
