Monday, July 6, 2009

First fruits

From reading these posts, you'd think that all I do is think about the garden. Not so. I still go to work just about every day, mow the lawn every couple of weeks, think computers with Chris, think tennis with Alex, and think whatever she wants to think with Sharon. But the garden is new to me. And mostly the fruit of my labor (with some weeding assistance from boyz and tomato tying assistance from Sharon). The garden is an escape. And now it is beginning to produce - which is the fun part. Really produce. "Exactly why did we plant all of this zucchinni?" kind of quantities. Word of caution: You may want to be sure your car is locked at night, lest you wake up and find a dozen fresh yellow squash on your front seat.

I had my first garden drama yesterday. (Off stage announcer: Playing the part of Mr. McGregor is Mike Forrence) Only it wasn't Peter Rabbit. It was Wally Woodchuck. He was discovered within the restricted zone and much to his dismay, Wally had failed to plan a viable escape route. Hiding under a tomato plant is not an effective backup plan. After a five minute tour of the perimeter Wally made his escape thru the open gate, all the while fending off clumps of dirt thrown in a poorly coordinated offensive by Mr. McGregor. Wally was last seen ambling toward the mower shed, sticking his tongue out at me as he ran. I suspect that we haven't seen the last of Wally...

So, now its Monday. Back to the world of SIP trunks and T.38 fax protocol. Needing to get tasks completed in both Gaithersburg and Towson by the end of the day. But still I wonder... do any of our customers leave their car doors unlocked at night?

1 comment:

  1. How about second fruits and our cartload of cucurbits?
