Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Thirty three years ago today

July 7, 1977 was a Thursday. We were in the middle of a very long week and hot week. That was the week that we moved from downtown Johnsville, USA to a farm outside of Emmitsburg. At the time I remember thinking that Emmitsburg was surely rednecksville if ever there was - and my mother must be crazy for making us do this. The day stands out in my memory because it was the first entry - 7/7/77 - on my passbook savings account - opened that day at Farmers & Mechanics on the square. You remember passbook savings accounts. With each deposit or withdrawal, you took your passbook with it's embossed burgundy cover and protective plastic sleeve into the teller - who would carefully note, initial and stamp the entry. It was important to keep the passbook in a very safe place so that you wouldn't lose your entire fortune.

That week, Hon and I must have taken fifty trips with the pickup truck - over hill and dale - between the two houses. There was a former colleague of Hon lived along the route. With each trip, we'd beep and wave to Andy and were sure the poor guy had no idea who it was making all of that racket. Then, as now, we were easily amused.

So now, some thirty plus years later, Betsey may still be crazy. But if so, I must have inheritied some of the crazies as well as I'm still in Emmitsburg. Of my own volition. Go figure.


  1. Johnsville, where there was a telephone booth that didn't work, a soda machine with three flavors and a lawnmower repair shop... at least Emmitsburg had the Ott House!

  2. Yeah - but you were going off to college anyway - what did you care? I LIKED the soda machine! I'd get a quarter, walk down to David Stitely's and we'd go get a Coke. What more was there?
