Saturday, August 27, 2011

Signs of an impending hurricane

Here are the signs that a hurricane is heading toward the east coast of the US:

1. 24/7 news coverage describing the impending doom
2. The store shelves depleted of staple items
3. Many new listings for generators on Craigs List (one is listed as new from Home Depot with price $1200 MORE than HD price).
4. Obie follows me everywhere. Oh wait, he does that anyway.

That said, I've done my part:
  • The huge chunk of concrete that landed in the middle of Christopher's Downstream during the last flood has now been sledged into pieces and removed. This will hopefully prevent a new channel from being carved.
  • Filled the tractor with fuel and moved it out toward the road. There is no location on our ten acres that couldn't be touched by a fallen tree. So, it put it under the youngest trees.
  • Acquired additional diesel for the tractor.
  • Filled the tub with water for flushing purposes
  • Filled containers for drinking water
  • Acquired ample supplies of those staples.
  • Played Neil Young's "Like a Hurricane".
We're ready.


  1. Flushing--good thing you have that covered!

  2. Covering the "flushing" aspect was very high on the list. Eating is optional, flushing is not.

  3. Good thing you were well prepared! I had no tractor to move but my car had a full tank of gas in case we needed to flee to higher ground.

    More hurricane songs for your morning after listening pleasure:)
