Sunday, October 2, 2011

Goodbye "Glory to Garden"

The season of Advent begins in a few short weeks, ushering in four weeks of anticipation of Christmas. But this year Advent will also usher in many changes to the Catholic Missal - the words that we sing or say at mass every Sunday. Along with the change comes a new "mass setting" or the music that accompanies many of these weekly prayers. However, my point is not a grumble about change - I really like the new music. The setting that we'll use reminds me of Pachelbel's "Canon in D" which I like very much. My point is that we'll need to say goodbye to the version of the Gloria that our choir has sung for the past twenty years. The version that we old-timers fondly refer to as "Glory to Garden".

Why "Glory to Garden"? Well, because a certain firstborn son once accompanied me to choir practice each week in order to provide his mother with a bit more quality time with second born son. Firstborn was roughly four years of age at the time. It was this same time of year and advent was quickly approaching - thus lots of practice was required. And to his ears, instead of hearing "Glory to God in the highest", firstborn heard "Glory to Garden the highest". Choir director Bev still reminds us to clearly pronounce our words.

Even at that young age, I knew that music would play a large part in Chris' life - simply by the way he watched carefully over our practice, added his direction, and put great big check marks in my music next to the notes that we sang correctly. I still use that music and smile a knowing smile when I get to the part with the big check marks. Rest assured that, even though that particular sheet music will be officially retired in the next couple of weeks, the pages will go safely into the archives along with the big check marks and memories of the kid swinging his arms and singing "Glory to Garden..."

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