Monday, December 27, 2010

Christmas 2010


It's been a quiet week at Gracerock, here on the edge of reality. Another Christmas has come and gone. As the years roll quickly past, so does this special season of joy and tradition and good will. When I was a kid, it seemed like Christmas took FOREVER to arrive. And now, all that is required is a quick blink, and it's gone.

I think that we've zeroed in on the best recipe for a peaceful Christmas. We have the Georgia Tech football team to thank for their assistance in formulating this recipe. You see, one of the penalties for having a mediocre, yet not horrible football season is that you're still "bowl eligible", but for one of the lesser bowls. So the Yellow Jackets are playing Air Force at the Independence Bowl in Shreveport, LA on December 27th. This required that the marching band depart Atlanta in the wee hours of December 26th. And thus, Chris had to fly south mid evening on the 25th.

As luck would have it, Atlanta had it's first white Christmas since Chester Arthur was in the oval office. Consider the hype on our local news when snow is imminent - and snow is a regular feature of our winters. Now imagine the pure exhilaration felt by millions of folks across the south at the prospect of a once in a lifetime event. While we're truly happy for them, our selfishness had us focused mostly on flight cancellations and alternative arrangements.

So you're asking, what is that recipe for the perfect Christmas? Quite simply, moderation and preparation. We knew that time with our little family would be limited, hence we were intent on getting the best quality from our time together. For example, instead of wrapping at 10pm on Christmas eve, Sharon took the wild initiative to wrap gifts several DAYS in advance. DAYS. Why didn't we think of this sooner? Instead of hosting Christmas dinner at Gracerock (which would be incompatible with driving to BWI), we oped for Christmas brunch. Non-Gracerock Forrence family - don't be shocked if we make the same offer next year.

Christmas Eve was perfect. A quiet candle-lit dinner and a nice glass of wine imported from Atlanta - purchased from Kroger with Chris' bonus card. After singing at the vigil mass, we stopped by Cathie's for another glass of wine and dessert - then home by ten. Shortly thereafter, not a creature was stirring, not even a mouse.

Christmas day. A blur. The traditional stockings, gifts under the tree, ear to ear grins, and new this year - no one received underwear. All good! Not only did Chris' flight south actually arrive almost 30 minutes early, he had band friend Sarah on the flight for a bit of camaraderie.

Without a doubt, the highlight of the day was the world debut of Chris and Alex playing together musically. The guys have always gotten along with good humor and civil sibling rivalry. And they've both been musically talented in their own way - Chris on flute and piano, Alex on guitar and drums. Together they'd make a fine quartet. For whatever reason, making music together has never been high on either of their priority list. So they never have played together. Ever. However, at Sharon's request, Chris sat down at the piano and Alex brought down his guitar. Neither had the benefit of neither sheet music nor advance practice. Granted, I may be biased, but I thought that the result was quite good. And not a better song could have been chosen. And Sharon had camera at ready to catch the big event:

Now Christmas is past. As is Boxing Day. We think about Christmas days past - John Hasty (who has been with us more Christmas days than not) helping as we put together toys in the wee hours. And JoAnn and Nadine singing around the piano. And the years that Sharon and I drove from Emmitsburg to Severna Park and back on Christmas day. It's not that we rank our Christmas memories, but rather, we add them to the treasure trove that is life. Even the year that Sharon and I were both so sick that we could hardly move - even that year is remembered fondly - even though I haven't enjoyed cherry cheesecake since.

So back to normal life for a couple of days. Chris will return on Wednesday for another week or so. Alex is itching for the dorms to reopen and his college friends to return. And me... I'm just taking in each moment and savoring it. As it should be.

Merry Christmas to all. And to all, a good night.


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