Sunday, December 19, 2010

Flash Mob in Hagerstown

It had been thirty years since I last sang Handel's Hallelujah Chorus as a part of an organized group - Christmas of 1980. Until yesterday.

You may have seen the YouTube video of a Flash Mob singing the Hallelujah Chorus - a very cool video of some very talented vocalists. If you haven't seen the video, search for it - it's worth the effort. So, at the invitation of St. Marks Church in Lappans, a group of some 150 vocalists gathered at the food court at the Valley Mall in Hagerstown to somewhat replicate the effort. Representing St. Joe's were Mike, Bev, Sr. Mary Fran and myself. Bev had made us a photocopy of the music and a CD with our individual part.

As I mentioned earlier - it had been thirty years, so I practiced. In the circumstances of a totally unrehearsed performance, there are certain expectations. First, I knew that it wouldn't be anywhere near as good as the YouTube video we had all seen. Second, who knows if the person you're standing beside will know the music or be able to count as required (and this prediction came true as heard in at least one recording of the event). With no "director" to watch, everyone will certainly be doing their own thing when we hit the fermata at the end.

At 11:30 the food court began to fill with folks young and old. The instruction was to wear red or green under your coat and, when the music began, to take off your coat, stand up and sing (easier said than done when the musical intro is only four or so measures long). They were going for the element of surprise. Well, a room full of secret agents we weren't. You've never seen so many lost-looking souls, wandering around in their red sweaters carrying their full length copy of the Messiah. Fortunately, Mike had been invited by Michelle, the music director at Williamsport High, to share her table closer to the center of the action. And, as it turned out, Michelle not only knew her part very well, but wasn't shy about it. Practicing against the soprano part paid off.

And then it happened. At noon the music started and everyone sang. While they won't be inviting us to Carnegie Hall anytime soon, it was a truly special experience. And I truly hope they do it again next year.

Here is the best YouTube that I've found for the event. If you look - there's a guy holding a speaker on his head. Mike B is just to the right and I'm just to the left.

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