Saturday, April 2, 2011

Crossing the great name divide

We're getting older, as are our children and our friends' children. Even though it seems not so long ago that they were in the elementary school play, now they're graduating from college, getting married, having babies and becoming productive members of society. The question that faces both this generation and the next is... what do they call us? You know, when do I somehow change from Mr. Forrence to Mike?

This is a topic that many of us have faced. For me, it has been when the parents of my childhood friends become peers in some way. The example that comes to mind is when I first served on the parish finance committee almost ten years ago (so you don't need to do the math, it made me just under 40). Also serving on the committee was my friend Regina's dad. For many years he had been Mr. LaCroce. Now he was Gene. As luck would have it, I now serve on the MSS Board with Mrs. LaCroce. Who would have thought lightning would strike twice? Most of my childhood friends' parents are definitely still Mr./Mrs. Wivell, Topper, etc. But not all. And I really can't put my finger on when the change happened.

Then there's VoxStaff Joe. He was at Mother Seton School - maybe in 5th grade or so, when Sharon taught there. Sharon and his mom were fairly good friends - so of course, she was Mrs. Forrence and I was Mr. Forrence. Then he came to work for us. Even though specifically invited, I think he had the hardest time calling me Mike. For the first three months, he probably didn't call me anything.

So - when do we invite the next generation make the leap? I'm thinking a good marker is when they graduate from college. When do you think?

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